"Survive and Thrive"

***How I Can Help***

Survive and Thrive will work with individuals, groups, or businesses to promote healthy coping strategies for mental health issues. I will be attuned to your needs, offering strategies that have helped me to thrive while continuing to work in a fast paced life. Whether you or someone you know experiences mental health challenges, I believe I can help by sharing my experiences discovering what caused my anxiety and what led to a better life.   

Contact me:  CoachDecorahLLC@gmail.com


Adults / Parents in your Community

  • 45-60 minute keynote presentation

  • My story to relate to the audience

  • Anxiety, Neglect, Homelessness, Addiction

  • Symptoms of mental illness

  • Trigger - definition & causes

  • How to help yourself, family member, or friend

  • Coping Strategies - goal setting, journaling, self-talk

  • Recovery Skills - breath workgetting present

  • Meditation & relaxation tips

  • Importance of professional help

  • Building a support team

  • Resources


Student & Staff Assembly

  • 45-60 minute keynote talk

  • Teacher - 32nd year teaching, coaching, working with students/parents/staff

  • Symptoms of mental illness

  • Trigger - definition & causes

  • My story and how it relates to today's students & parents

  • Reduce the stigma - students & staff, you aren't alone

  • Importance of journaling

  • Create a trusting environment

  • Know when to seek help

  • Student & Staff unity

  • Find social support team


District Professional Development

  • 45-60 minute professional development topics

  • Tell my story as a teacher living with anxiety throughout my career

  • Coping strategies at the workplace

  • Health workplace boundaries

  • Staff Support Group implementation

  • Time management strategies

  • Meditation & relaxation techniques

  • Social support system - who to go to

  • Good mental health = better person, teacher, instruction

  • Administration & District care

  • Promote a growth mindset